A Time to Rest


I am a doer. I am constantly thinking about things that need to get done, things on my “to do” list, what activities/places I would like to do/go to with Adelynn. My nature is to be a “worker bee”. My mom was the same way and her mom is the same way. I see this in my daughter too; a natural propensity towards being productive. Honestly, I think this is one of my strengths – a strong work ethic, reliable, efficient. I attack challenges head on, I think and plan out my life in almost every facet. What I do not do well, is rest.

RestThis is not to say that I do not “play.” All my life is certainly not a military type regiment of chores and tasks – we go to the park, we make crafts, I watch a movie or favorite TV show occasionally throughout the week. I try to meet up with friends for dinner or coffee fairly regularly. I have fun, I laugh… but I do not rest.

Recently, I took time off for what is my usually scheduled weekend of work, which allowed me 5 days in a row off. I got an immense number of things accomplished. I was happy to see so many things from my “to do” list checked off. I even felt free to take Adelynn to Kings Island for a morning of fun because I had made so much progress on my tasks and I had a whole other day to finish the remainder. This was really the goal of taking the time off. To get things done. Which again, I think is great. I think it’s good to be productive and put in a good honest day’s work. However, the gift of the extra time unexpected, I was given the gift of seeing the value of rest.

At the end of my last full day of rough work; I actually got a lot of more accomplished then all the other days. My daughter was with her dad as this was her scheduled time with him, so naturally getting tasks completed became much easier.   When almost everything was done on my list though, I realized that the evening was so beautiful and  I decided to practice resting.  I say practice, intentionally.  I sat on my back deck for the better part of the evening. I read a little but mostly, I just got to be – to watch nature, to think of all my blessings, and to let my body just be still. There was still a load of laundry to be done and dishes in the sink but I needed this time.  It was refreshing.

So often, even before I was a mom, but especially now that I am one, I forget that just as we are made to work, we are also made for times of rest. True rest and stillness, where we can clear our minds and be filled with rejuvenation. In America, I think we believe that this “rest” is only meant for the once a year week long family vacation. That is our rest time… but really it is anything but. We also confuse play with rest. It’s fun, it’s enjoyable, it’s necessary and important, but it’s not rest. I am challenged to continue this practice, to find pockets of time that I reserve for this rest period. It HAS to be intentional though. Rarely are do those moments just naturally find themselves in our days, at least not for me. I have to value, that I am worth these moments and that I am a better person and better mother with these moments. Not only do I physically feel better but I am mentally and spiritually calmer. If I rest well, I actually can work well and I can play well. It’s as if I am giving myself the space to prepare for every other moment in my life.

I encourage all moms, moms of infants, moms of multiple kiddos, moms of teenagers and every mom in between; I encourage you fellow moms to rest. I encourage you to find those set aside times of stillness and calm. To be quiet within your own being. To just be.

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I am a born and raised Cincinnatian and love all that this “big-little” city has to offer. Gardening, organization, maintaining life-long friendships and finding new places around town with my daughter; I always like to be busy but am also quite the homebody. Learning to truly find balance in life and being more “wholely” healthy are things I am leaning more into these days… well at least making the effort to.


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