
Christen Woodard

Christen Woodard
Christen Woodard is a wife and stay-at-home mom of 4 children. Christen works as a doula, home-birth assistant, and midwifery apprentice. She has a passion for advocacy, providing assistance for new families. She has a deep love for reading, new cleaning products, and Summer time.

Halloween Events

See HERE for recent guidance from the Ohio Department of Health on this year's Halloween. October 31st is on a Saturday this year! Dust off your witch hats, pack up those goblins, and get out there...

Everything Won’t Get Done And That’s Okay {Homeschool Tips}

I am a type B personality with type A tendencies. I am amazing at going with the flow, but I do better with a clear and concise plan. After deciding to homeschool our early-elementary-age...

Babywearing {My Black History}

Babywearing has always been an integral part of motherhood for me. It started with this innate need to keep my firstborn close. So I researched. I started with a Moby, moved to a Ring...