
Shannon Lane

Shannon Lane
Shannon Lane is a mother of two incredibly spirited twin girls. In her former life, she worked in event marketing and publicity at Random House in NYC and Sydney, Australia. She was also one of the first employees at Care.com and worked in marketing at Staples. Her husband, Sean, is a saint and people never cease to tell her how lucky she is, but he thinks he’s pretty lucky too. In her free time, she comes up with exercise and fitness plans but has a hard time following through. She did really like Barre, but she likes naps and binge watching TV more. She has a really serious addiction to McDonald's Diet Coke and is trying to cut back.

Premature Twins and the NICU {My Birth Story}

There are twin moms and then there are NICU twin moms and then there are premature NICU twin moms. I was the latter, diagnosed with IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) around week 26. We knew...