Best-Laid Plans {Adapting to Change and Disappointment}


So we’ve all heard that phrase, “best-laid Plans”, right? Well, it’s been sitting on my heart for some time now. Honestly, since COVID hit. ALL the plans got disrupted and I was bitter and angry. Whether it was the initial quarantine that we were all under or quarantining from exposure or acquiring the virus, I was angry about it. All the fun summer plans and concerts that were canceled, birthday parties that had to be smaller or not happen at all, and the holiday gatherings without extended family were overwhelming and stress-inducing. Does this sound familiar?

I’m sure all of you have felt this way about plans that have fallen through.  


COVID has changed our lives and the times we are living in. But, I have learned a few things this past year and a half. See, I like to plan! I like to have something to look forward to. I enjoy planning family activities, meal planning, outfit planning, etc. And I generally get a little out of sorts when my plans go awry. I sort of pout and sometimes have not been the easiest person to deal with during my complaining time. As a grown woman, this sounds ridiculous and sophomoric, but don’t we all get a little upset when the thing we have been looking forward to doing gets canceled or disrupted? YES!  

But, as a Christian woman, I know that I am not in control. More than ever, this last year and a half has tested this truth. I’ve been trying more and more to stay in a posture of acceptance that ANY of our plans could change or not happen at all. And mentally and emotionally preparing myself for this possibility has helped my behavior. It’s also given me the opportunity to challenge my children’s behavior and help them deal with changed or canceled plans and even adapt to a new opportunity. 

As moms, we have an obligation to our children to be examples of the good, but I also think it’s good for our kids to see us fail and try harder the next time. 

For them to see us recognize our mistakes and work at doing better. Just this past week, my husband and I were supposed to go to a concert at Riverbend. We found out the night before that it was canceled. And not for COVID reasons, but laryngitis. And I didn’t pout! I was disappointed, for sure! But I had already mentally and emotionally prepared myself for this to be a possibility. It just is what it was and nothing was going to change it. So I moved on.  

And, I think the best-laid plans we can make are to plan for anything. Good or bad, easy or hard, clean or messy, big or little. Just remember, no one can steal your joy! So let it be what it is and move on.


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