Sometimes parenthood feels like a constant state of conflicting emotions; or, at least it does for me. There are days when I feel like myself: I'm getting things done, I see friends, I have alone time. Then there are days...

Tears for My Tribe

Moving beyond statistics when experiencing loss through miscarriage & infertility. We all hear about the amazing comforts of having a tribe of women: a group where you can laugh, cry, talk about anything and everything, and truly be yourself.  I’m...
Hi Mom Friend! Nice to meet you. Isn’t this a great park? Isn’t the playground super nice? So..where are you from? Cool! I’ve been there before *conversation fades as I walk away backwards from you because my son is about to...

The Good Days Are Now

I remember the day that really changed my way of thinking. It was a few years ago and I was faced with the conundrum of limited space for photos on my photo gallery wall. I wanted to put up...
I love sex. I honestly do.  And when there is a deeper,  more committed connection, such as with your partner, the sex is even better. But what happens when you and your partner don't have sex? For me, it's...
Please tell me I am not the only one applying lipstick driving down the road, while simultaneously texting my sister in law to make sure she can still watch the kids so I can make it to a ladies...
Out of all the hashtags I've been using for my bridal posts on social media, this has to be the most meaningful to me. I mean, what bride-to-be doesn't hashtag the heck out of their posts? Of course, we...
There are many words passed around that people tend to shrug off nowadays. There are even people that have the audacity to tell you that by using certain words will diminish your worth as an individual or make you...
Oxford dictionary defines empathy as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. To me, empathy means you have to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Not looking from far away and feeling sorry for them, but...

When Kids Lie

Kids are going to lie/fib/omit the truth/hide something/etc. at some point in their lives.  We were once kids; we all did it.  The hope is that we can correct this impulse and turn them into honest, trustworthy adults.  There are...

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In + Around Cincinnati

Cincinnati Spring Break Staycation {Oh, the Places We’ll Go}

This year for spring break, we are planning on staying home, minus a weekend at the in-laws' to celebrate Easter. We are looking forward...
cincinnati summer camps

Summer Camps

School Open House Featured Image

School Open Houses