5 Ways to Manage Anxiety in This Uncertain Time


I want to help my fellow moms who may be suffering from anxiety, too. Coronavirus has completely rocked our world (and honestly, that’s a severe understatement). Everything from schools/daycares being closed, jobs laying off/closing and the uncertain future – IT’S SCARY. We have no idea when our life is going to return to normal. Also, this whole social distancing thing is not fun and can become very isolating.

I know I am not alone when I say, anxiety sucks.


I have been feeling so full of anxiety lately, like I’m going to spill over. I am kind of like Rex from Toy Story.

“I cannot stand all this uncertainty!”

What are some ways we can handle our anxiety when it’s out of control? Well, here are some things that have helped me:

  1. Coloring – This sounds so ridiculous and silly. But, recently I took up coloring. Sometimes, I’ll sit with my daughter and color along with her in her coloring books. Other times, I’ll print out an adult coloring page and slowly color it. I never rush and I breathe. It is sooooo calming and really helps me to focus on something else other than my racing thoughts. They have coloring books at the dollar store, too! 
  2. Listening to Music – My EarPods go in when I’m doing chores around the house or while driving in my car. What kind of music you ask? Well, it depends on my mood. I listen to anything from Christian Contemporary to some Justin Timberlake. I love me a good 90’s Spotify playlist! Listen to what helps you stay calm, whatever makes you happy and whatever gets you out of the funk. 
  3. Reading – I wish I had more time to do so, but I do enjoy a good book. I recently took up audiobooks and I’m loving them. I also enjoy reading my Bible App or a devotional.
  4. Taking My Dog for a Walk – I have a little dachshund named Jack-Jack. We sometimes go out as a family and walk him in the evenings and other times, I walk alone. It’s so relaxing and really helps the stress melt away.

    Here’s my handsome boy. Warning – He does NOT understand social distancing.
  5. Unplugging – Oh man, I wish I learned this sooner. Know me personally and wonder why I’m not answering a phone call/text message? I either turned it off or left it in another room – ON PURPOSE! I turn off social media and focus on myself and my family. Seeing all the news stories, the constant coverage can be overwhelming and too much. We will play a board game as a family, watch a movie or sometimes just snuggle. Snuggles are the BEST!

What are some of the ways you cope with all of the world’s craziness nowadays and your anxiety? Post a comment below! We are all in this together.

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Melissa Long
I have a small 3 person family- my 6 year old little girl, Ellie and my husband Matt. I have 3 fur babies, my dog Jack-Jack ( Dachshund) and my two cats Harry and Mickey. I have battled infertility for a while, and I am willing to talk with any woman in the same battle. I work Full time as a teacher at a local daycare. I am a University of Cincinnati student. I'm finishing up my Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education! Never too late to go for a dream folks. In my free time, I enjoy: church, all things Disney, reading, writing and quiet times with my family. I'm a simple girl! It does not take very much to make me happy. You will see me at the grocery store with my messy bun and yoga pants on, that's for sure.


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