The Night I left My Phone Upstairs


iphoneLike many other Saturday nights before, my family had decided to have a family movie night complete with popcorn, sleeping bags on the floor and random bags of candy picked up from the closest convenience store.    My 5 year old requested Disney’s Inside Out for our viewing pleasure and I was happy to oblige.   After getting snacks, drinks and sleeping bags ready, we were finally ready to start our movie.

It was at that point when I looked around for my iPhone only to realize that I must have left it upstairs.  I contemplated running upstairs to get my phone to have something to do during the movie, but opted not to.   After all, I already HAD something to do.  I was having amazing quality time with my two wild boys who were surprisingly calm and attentive during the movie.  Maybe it was because I was also attentive to the movie instead of browsing on Amazon or reading a random blog post.  I got to experience Inside Out through their eyes and from a parents’ perspective.  (Disclaimer- If you have not seen Inside Out yet, be prepared to have tissues handy).  I got to snuggle with my lanky five year old and share popcorn and M&Ms with my two year old while drinking in their little hands holding mine and sharing pillows and movie commentary back and forth.  Instead of them asking a question about the movie and me admittedly having no idea what is going on because that little screen was normally more enticing,  I was able to live in the moment with my boys.  And it was such a wonderful, beautiful feeling.

Once the movie was over, I was so grateful that I left my phone upstairs.  It allowed me to embrace our time spent together and pay attention not only to the movie, but to my wonderful boys that I don’t get enough time with as they grow at light years’ speed.   I am already looking forward to our next movie night to create more memories of snuggling and sharing sweets.  The iPhone won’t be attending the next movie night either.


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