Practical Tips to Spring Cleaning


Spring CleaningSpring Cleaning!!!

The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer and the only logical thing to do is….. CLEAN!! Okay, I understand that many, if not most, moms out there do not get quite as excited as I do about cleaning and organization. However, this is a great time of year for cleaning and I think we all have that urge to purge and give our homes a little pick me up. So in honor of Nation Cleaning and Organization Week (Yep, there’s even a week for it) here are a few Spring Cleaning Tips:

1. Have Fun!! We all remember the scene from Mary Poppins, right? Make cleaning enjoyable, play music, get the kids involved, make it a game or even a competition. Cleaning does not have to be dull and depressing, it can be a great activity that the whole family can do together while achieving a common goal.

2. Set Small Goals. It might be a little overwhelming for some to think about tackling the entire house; instead choose 2 or 3 areas/rooms that you would like to focus on, such as the pantry, kids closets, garage, or kitchen. This way the task is a bit more manageable and achievable. And who knows, once you have completed those few areas you might have the motivation to add on a few more.

3. Create an Additional Silver Lining. I tend to be more motivated if I have an another end outcome that I can buy into. As you are cleaning, not everything that you are going through needs to be tossed. Selecting items to be sold or given to a charity, or a even a combination of the two can be quite a good cause to work for. A little extra cash on hand from items sold is always something that will get me going. Additionally, thinking outside of yourself and recognizing that even if you cannot use an item any longer, it might still be a huge blessing to someone else that does not have the resources to purchase it. So as your going through your stuff consider dividing things into three categories: Keep, Toss, Sell/Give.

4. Hold Yourself Accountable. As you are cleaning it might be difficult in the moment to part with that beloved sweater you wore in college but has not seen the light of day in the past 10 years. It is important to decide before you begin your cleaning what your parameters are for keeping an item. For me I try to consider “is this something that I am going to use or which will serve a function for my family in the next six months to a year?” In general, if it is not, I consider if I really need it at all. Now something, like family keepsakes or baby/kid items I am saving for a future baby #2 may just go into storage.

5. Organize. Just because you are spring cleaning does not mean everything (or even anything) has to go, perhaps all your given area needs is better organization. A good rule of thumb I like to use when I am cleaning out a space is to remove everything from that space first and assess if I am using the space the best I can. You may be surprised how a few extra buckets, containers, or storage drawers can make an area more functional and better utilized. (And don’t forget while everything is moved out to give the area a good wipe down).

Best of luck in your cleaning adventures!!

I would love to know, what is the most interesting thing you have found while cleaning out a room or closet that you did not expect?



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