To the Wild Child


My dear wild child, I see you.

When others roll their eyes or make comments about “discipline,” I see you. I see your heart, your spirit, and I know that it comes from your strength.

I see that flash in your eyes when I say “stop,” right before you do it anyway, and I know it comes from your perseverance.

I see that smile, the one you give when you know you’re pushing boundaries, and I know that it comes from your courage.

I hear that screech, that high-pitched noise you make when you’re excited or bored or just have been quiet for too long, and I know that it’s your strong voice.

I see these things, and I know them. I AM them.

Many moms of wild children feel overwhelmed. They feel lost or beaten down by the day-to-day with a child so wild. But my darling, I WAS the wild child. I was the one who screeched, who ran too much and spoke too loud, and defied authority on things that didn’t matter.

And today, I am the defiant adult. I stand up when others are doing wrong. I maintain my loud voice in spaces where people aren’t being treated fairly. I am quick to question authority when it isn’t being fair. I march to my own beat, stand strong in my convictions, and know my path.

So, my wonderful wild child, I see you, and I know that your future will be amazing and powerful. My only job is to protect your wildness so that you can someday stand up and be the strong, defiant adult, too.


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