Letter to My Future Teenage Daughter


Letter ImageToday you are nearly 5 years old.  Your birthday is just a few weeks away and I cannot believe that five years have already passed.  I remember, and will always remember, the day you were born, the very first moment I saw you.  The first moment you saw me. Every day you amaze me. You have a joy that is so deep and at times you are equally as stubborn.  You are eager to learn and explore.  You are confident.  You are energetic. You are loved endlessly.

In the years to come I hope all those things stay with you, yes, even a little bit of the stubbornness.  It is often talked about and known that when daughters reach their teenage years that there is often a rift that occurs between them and their mothers.  A disconnect of sorts.  Perhaps this is a natural progression of growth and maturity, part of becoming independent; but there are a few things I want to share with you that I hope that you are able to hear (even through the loud hormones).  I hope that these things stay with you, locked in your heart; and that maybe, just maybe, this time of being a teenager does not have to mean a time of separation but rather a time of new growth.

First and most important, You are loved endlessly There is nothing that you could ever do that would cause me to not love you.  You are my daughter and my heart. From the day you were created a place in my heart grew with love that can never be dimmed. You are loved by your family who all treasure the gift that you are.  You are loved by the Lord, who created you and knew you long before I did.   You, Adelynn, are loved endlessly.

Though at times it may not seem like it, I am always on your side.  I will always be rooting for you, hoping for you, and encouraging you.  I want you to be everything that you dream for.    When those moments come, and they will, when you feel like “I don’t understand” or “I just don’t get it” please remember this.  If life could give us wisdom without age perhaps this would not be a struggle but unfortunately sometimes we can only know things after we walk down a path.   So there will be times when I say no, when I do not agree, when I prevent you from doing whatever the thing is you “really want to do;” and I you may become mad at me, but Adelynn, I am always on your side, always.

I often say to you, the almost 5 year old you, I need to have long snuggles because one day you may not want to give me snuggles anymore and each time you reply, “Mom, I will always snuggle you. Don’t worry. Even when I am old, I will always snuggle my mama.”  Please remember this, no matter how old you are.  You are always my little girl and I always need snuggles.

Be courageous and willing to stand alone.  Obviously, I want you to have friends.  I want you surround yourself with the most amazing girls, who can be your support and who you can have fun with; but do not ever be afraid to stand for what you believe in.  In this time in your life, actually in truth this is just beginning of it, there is a pressure or a draw to just think whatever everyone else thinks or do what everyone else does “just because.” Don’t ever be the “just because.” You are more than that, smarter than that.  Have courage, it’s what makes you great.  There are also times when things may seem challenging or taking a certain path seems too difficult; sometimes the things in life that are worth the most require us to be brave and take risks.  We have to dare to be great, dare to be unique.  Courage is deep inside you, trust in it.  Adelynn, be courageous and do not ever be afraid to stand alone.

Pray often.  The relationship that you grow with your heavenly Father is the most valuable gift that you have.  He created you perfectly.  He created you to fulfill a very specific spot in his plan.  It is perfect for you. Your gifts, your talents are yours; they may be different from someone else’s but He loved you so deeply that he created you, Adelynn, uniquely in His image. He created you to seek after Him, to learn about Him, and to honor Him in all that you do.  There is no greater truth, no greater joy, no greater relationship that I can point you toward than that of Jesus.  So pray often.  He is with you everyday and His strength is your protection.

Find joy and share joy with others You probably have a hard time imagining it, but I was 13 once and 14 and 15 and so on.  I remember that time and when I look back on it, I am most drawn to those times of happiness.  I also remember too many times worrying or being distressed about things that really did not have much merit or were flat out untruths.  I worried way too much about what others thought instead of enjoying the gifts of each day.  Adelynn you are beautiful, your body is growing and developing and you are beautiful.  This time in your life is temporary enjoy your youthfulness laugh, learn, and explore.  Show others that same joy as they might not know it quite as well as you do.  Adelynn continue being as joyful as your are now.

As I sit here writing, the almost five year old you in nestled up next to me on the bed, avoiding bedtime as usual. I sit here and it is hard to imagine that one day you will be a teenager. But then again when you were a baby I would have never imagined this day.  It all has come far too quickly.  So as your mother, I also want to promise you that as you grow I will cherish you, even those days that seem difficult.  I will try to always listen you and encourage you to be a thinker.  And I too will pray often (trust me I will need it).  But, you are amazing Adelynn.  Thank you for making me a mother.  It has been and always will be the greatest joy in my life.

Mom and AdeLove you more and more,


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I am a born and raised Cincinnatian and love all that this “big-little” city has to offer. Gardening, organization, maintaining life-long friendships and finding new places around town with my daughter; I always like to be busy but am also quite the homebody. Learning to truly find balance in life and being more “wholely” healthy are things I am leaning more into these days… well at least making the effort to.


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