Why All Millennial Moms Should Get an Undercut


Millennial moms – listen up!  (And hear me out.) You need an undercut.

All of us in our late twenties to late thirties… well, we are no longer spring chicken. We wear skinny jeans and part our hair on the side. We drive minivans. We drink iced coffee, being the basic chicks that we are. We need to try something new, ya’ll!

A few months ago, I started going through a mild midlife crisis.

With young kids at home, my life legitimately consisted of taking care of others, mixed with long days at work. As I looked in the mirror, I realized I needed a change. Who was this person I was looking at? I needed to light that fire again. Get my dopamine kick. Carpe diem!

That day, I started to Pinterest ideas (does anyone still use Pinterest anymore?). Then it came to me – I needed something that was 100% mine. Like almost, a little secret.

A tattoo?! No – I am terrified to do something very permanent to my body.

A piercing? No – I already have my nose and ears pierced and anything else would be too much for this Millennial momma. Just sayin’.

What about an undercut? Something I could wear my long hair over at work or at home but could also put it up on display in a ponytail, too. And the best part? I could grow it out when I was over this “phase” (aka crisi)s that I was going through.

I immediately went in to see my hairstylist and told her of my plan.

As the clippers touched the back of my head and neck and the hair went to the ground, I started shaking. Shaking from debilitating anxiety over what I had done, but also with glee! I also got triangle line work done because YOLO (I probably shouldn’t say YOLO anymore, either).

I raced out to show my husband who was excited for me and my journey but personally didn’t like it. At first, I took offense to that, but then I realized that I cut it for ME and apparently my daughter, who recently said “Mommy, can I have a triangle on my head, too?” YASS QWEEN! (Is that still cool? No?).

Today, I have gotten it recut 2-3 times because I LOVE IT. If you have shoulder-length hair (or shorter), you can put your hair in a bun on top of your head without using 143 bobby pins to hold it up.

If you don’t believe me on what a life-changing experience this is, please check our local WLWT celeb Meghan Mitchell on TikTok, who says she has had her undercut for the last five years. Now, if a news anchor can do it, YOU CAN DO IT, TOO!

Please don’t hate me if you’re not a fan – or at least not a fan of keeping up with it. I get mine cut monthly. I’ve also heard that it’s incredibly difficult to grow it back (because you basically have the opposite of a mullet happening back there). But hey – I’m not there yet. I have embraced this “new year, new me,” thing happening, so I will not be growing it out any time soon!

In the meantime, get out there and do something! Even something this insignificant can really change up your routine and give you a little bit of swagger. (Don’t roll your eyes, Gen Z, swagger is still a cool word to use… Right?)


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