A Day in the Life with Six Kids


I have six (yes, six) kids! I’m no rookie to the mom game but somehow they throw new things at me at least once a day! Please allow me to give a proper introduction… Aramis is 13, Gabriella is 10, Lillian is 6 (almost 7), Arabella is 2, and Madisen and Maylen are 7 months (fraternal twins). I also am a full-time work-at-home and getting ready to be a virtual learning mom. We all have our days every now and then but for the most part, we all get along. 

Here’s what our summer schedule with six kids has looked like.

six kids

6:45-8:30 a.m. – The twins are ready to get up for the day. I change their diapers and make my coffee. They play with their toys and I check my emails, etc. on my phone.

9 a.m.-Noon – The rest of them wake up on their own. I put Arabella on the potty and get juice and a Pop-Tart for her (her favorite breakfast and not worth the fight). The three oldest let the dog out and get their own breakfast, usually cereal or Pop-Tarts, unless my husband cooks something. I start my work and usually, the twins are getting ready for their first nap.

Side note – They used to each have a turn letting the dog out each day but always fought about whose turn it was, so now they each have a week. They seem so much happier about this arrangement, unless it’s their week!

Noon-1/2 p.m. – They all have chores to do; clean their rooms, pick up their toys around the house, unload/load the dishwasher, take out the trash, wipe down the kitchen counters, sweep and mop, clean up their bathroom, put their clothes away.

The twins usually get back up. I feed and change them and we play for a bit but they usually prefer to play by themselves. 

1-2 p.m. – Lunch (sandwiches, leftovers, corn dogs, cheese quesadillas, pepperoni/cheese/crackers, with yogurt and sometimes fruit). The older three get it for themselves. I make it for myself and Arabella.

2-3:30 p.m. – Nap time for Arabella and the twins. Aramis, Gabriella, and Lily usually play together or independently (reading, writing, tablet or TV – we allow 1 hour of screen time/day)

3:30-5 p.m. – Arabella and the twins wake up. Everyone has free time until dinner.

6-7 p.m. – Dinner

7 p.m. – Varying bedtimes, free time, showers, family time

This schedule will look different once school starts as we’ve opted for virtual learning. The funny thing is, we all just kind of fell into this schedule. Of course, there are the days that we go to the grocery store (I shop for the family and take all six of them with me… by myself… it’s quite a sight to be seen!) or an event. We feel like some structure is important and have seen negative impacts on having too lax or too strict of a schedule. 

I am thankful that my main job allows me to clock in and out as needed, within reason. Although, there have been many times that I am working on a project with my twins on my lap and my 2-year-old pulling at my leg, typing with one finger (which I’ve actually become pretty proficient at), breaking up an argument between my older girls, and answering a question for my son. People always ask how we do it and we say, what else is there to do but to do it? Some may call it chaos with six kids, but it’s our chaos and we couldn’t imagine our lives any other way!

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Erin Reed
Born and raised in Columbus, I currently reside just outside of Cincinnati with my husband, 6 children ranging in ages from 3 months to 13 years (1 boy, 5 girls), and teacup dog. Working from home as a virtual assistant and having 2 eCommerce stores, I have learned how to manage a big household and business. Prior to my current positions, I have been a banker, worked at a daycare and then went on to open my own, and coached youth cheerleading. I enjoy reading, traveling, and spending time with family. I am excited to share my family ventures and life hacks with all of my readers.


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