Beyond the Stay at Home Mom


After my first child was born, I begged my husband to let me quit my job. I was working long shifts as a nurse. Not only would I always get to be with my child but I would also be much happier. I truly believed stay at home moms had it easy. I was wrong.

I learned, over time, stay at home moms had it anything but easy.

I became lonely. I started beating myself up for not accomplishing what I wanted. I thought my house should be spotless. I had no reason not to have dinner ready when my husband came home. If you have a toddler, you know you cannot turn your back to clean up. I felt like I was drowning.

One of my biggest struggles was not contributing to society. I went from an important role, in the hospital, to someone wiping butts and snot. I found no meaning in picking up food from the floor and raising my voice, over and over. Old coworkers furthered their education, in addition to having children. There was a sense I was doing nothing with my life. Though I know this is not true, I had a hard time seeing past all the hard work I was doing in the home.

Over the years, I found ways I could make a difference outside the home. Helping others is a big part of my identity. Do you find yourself wishing you could contribute outside of the house? There are many opportunities.

I can still save lives, besides keeping my children alive. As an oncology nurse, I hung many units of blood products. I saw, firsthand, what blood donation does. Although I no longer work in the hospital, I can donate blood, knowing the impact it will have.

I find purpose within my church. Once a week, I serve in my church’s nursery. As a parent, I value my time during service. Knowing my children are in excellent care, is one less stressor. For one hour, I can sit, undisturbed while I connect with God. If I can give this to other parents, I know I am helping. I also get to snuggle sweet babies.

There are endless opportunities when it comes to volunteer work. Many organizations rely on volunteers. I recently started volunteering, with other moms and children, at an organization that provides disaster relief around the world. By merely sorting clothes, our contributions are enormous. Volunteers make it possible for the organization to function and thrive. 

I volunteer at school when I can. Room moms will always be in demand. School functions rely on volunteers, as do field trips.

Put your talents to use. I love writing. I can use my words to connect with other parents. Whether it’s through blogging or a simple Facebook post, knowing I can make others feel like they are not alone, makes me feel like I am doing good. 

Above all, we are raising our children to be amazing humans.

This is the greatest contribution we will ever make.

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Kim Meyers
Originally from New England, my family moved to Pennsylvania before settling in the Cincinnati area. After my family moved away, I made my way across the river to Northern Kentucky, now my forever home. My husband Rusty and I have four children, Molly, Spencer, Rogan, and Emmett, as well as our two cats. I'm a registered nurse now doing the stay at home mom bit. I love raising my children in the Cincinnati area, where there is so much to offer. I'm a Skyline chili loving Reds fan who enjoys zoo trips, watching my children unleash at the children's museum, and finding peace watching airplanes at the CVG airplane viewing area. Coffee and humor get me through these crazy days with small children.


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